Steve Jobs passed away today, and the world mourns. I am usually not one to be sad for someone I never met, and don't know personally, but today I am writing this with a heavy heart as I believe Mr. Jobs to be one of the most amazing people on the planet. Like so many others he has changed my life in so many ways that it would simple take too long to list them here. My first computer was a Mac, that my mom-an avid Mac lover-bought me in 2000 for Christmas and my home coming from a year in Australia. That said, me owning a Mac doesn't even matter, what matters was his vision and his genius that changed the world. It really doesn't matter if you are a Mac person or a PC, Steve Jobs forever changed the world for all of us and future generations to come. He did it with class, dignity, grace and honor. Many people have no idea what that really means, and most of us will never change the world. Having a global impact is more than anyone could possibly imagine and yet this man did...
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