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We Have a "Situation"...

David Hasselhoff, Bristol Palin, and Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino will compete for the mirror ball trophy.

OMG~ NO WAY! I was joking last week when I said the following: Who is next, the Situation?
You have got to be friggen' kidding me? I must have some serious powers in the universe.

*******Okay from now on I am going to repeat the following : Ryan Murphy is hiring me to write on Glee. I am working on Glee. I am the next staff writer for Glee. I am winning an Emmy for my episode of Glee. It would really be awesome if you could all join in! Just say it once a day or so.*********

I apologize to the universe if I somehow made this happen, and I apologize to the dancers. I am not sure what will be worse, Bristol or the "Situation".UGH


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