I have to say something because I love you all and want you to be fit and healthy and not end up in the morgue. Regarding health and fitness-please always always always always check your sources and your doctor before jumping on board with any program. Also just because someone has starved themselves and lost weight, that does NOT make them an expert; the same goes for someone who works out every day and is fit. Personal trainers, fitness experts, nutritionists etc., go through YEARS of training. I know when I was a PT and an instructor, it took a lot of hours to get my certifications. The best thing to do is join a gym and or go to a personal trainer. Don't jump on trends like CrossFit-I'm not against CF but it's not for everyone and I'm so sick of people telling others to be Paleo and do CF like it's the only way to be healthy. Just do YOUR RESEARCH please, this is YOUR life. There are also GREAT online programs like Michelle Bridges, Tracy Anderson, De...
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