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Showing posts from November, 2011


"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances ." Or did people skip government class in the 8th grade? This is the FIRST AMENDMENT, first as in number one. FREEDOM OF SPEECH-this is America, isn't it? I love my country, but some days are harder than others. I mean, really people. What the F is going on? This country has the FREEDOM OF SPEECH and that means people can speak freely without being pepper sprayed? I mean, really what is going on? Do we have to go back to an era where our heroes are bank robbers just because someone is sticking it to the banks?? Will there be a repeat of Kent State (see yesterday's blog)? How will this end?

Have We Learned Nothing?

May 4th, 1970 4 students were shot by police at a rally at Kent State University in Kent Ohio. The police fired 67 rounds over a period of 13 seconds, killing four students and wounding nine others. Jan 30, 1972 14 innocent people were shot and killed during a peaceful demonstration in Derry, Northern Ireland. Twenty-six unarmed civil rights protesters and bystanders were shot by soldiers of the British Army. Thirteen males, seven of whom were teenagers, died immediately or soon after, while the death of another man four and a half months later was attributed to the injuries he received on that day. Two protesters were also injured when they were run down by army vehicles. Five of those wounded were shot in the back. Nov 16, 2011 Police spray pepper spray into the eyes of an 84 year old in Seattle. Jennifer Fox lost her baby after being sprayed in the face and beaten by police. Oakland, Davis, NYC-when will it end? ...


I was watching Private Practice last night for the "Intervention" episode and it was truly amazing-well the first part. I didn't care as much for the 2nd episode as the first one-maybe just the direction. In any case, Charlotte, (Kadee Strickland) was telling Amelia, ( Caterina Scorsone) how she would do something terrible, like kill someone and never come back from that. I know this is different, but it finally hit me. All these years since my mother died (2004-Lung cancer) I am broken and I haven't made it back yet. It just isn't the same anymore. Sure I laugh, and play and have great friends etc, but it broke me. I am not sure why it's so hard-I mean, everyone loses their parents-or at least that's the way it's supposed to be. That said, I miss her every single day and some days it's beyond sad and other days I am okay. The way she described not making it back from something is exactly how I feel. I'll never be the same again, even if I am o...

UGH Some People Are Just Mean & Miserable

So the other day, this "friend" of mine was ranting, again, about something that has nothing to do with him and asking people to boycott Target, because he is outraged that some people are working late on Thanksgiving night to get ready for black Friday the next day. This guy isn't even American and doesn't work at Target and neither does anyone in his family-he just likes to bitch and complain. I stupidly-little did I know what was coming-replied to his post saying that it wasn't a big deal lots of people work on Thanksgiving and not just retail, but I agreed that the black Friday thing was getting out of hand-it is, but so what? Why does it bother anyone? Later that day several people had posted on his wall disagreeing with him, but I got it. He took it upon himself to delete me and then send me a nasty email message telling me that I was trying to sound smart AND that it's only because I have no family that I didn't mind working on Thanksgiving-which I ...

Sick of Politics and. . .

I am so over politics! I can honestly say that the more the democrats push their hatred for the Republicans-who let's face it have gone completely stark raving mad this past year-down my throats the more I want to move to Canada. I am so sick of all of it. Really done. I am sick of people saying how much they hate America-no one is forcing you to stay. America is pretty damn great even if we are having some problems. We are encouraged to follow our dreams-from birth-for the most part we are. We are taught to be confident and outgoing. We are raised believing that we can achieve anything. We have more opportunities than most places. Yes we have debt, yes we have issues-but it's still a great place to live and be a part of. I am so sick to death of people from other countries coming here and then bitching all the live long day about our president, about past presidents-seriously go home or be thankful. Just saying, it is getting on my last nerve people.

GOOGLE Before You Rant

I have to bitch and moan a little bit because lately somethings have been really bugging me on Facebook. First of all it's a social network not a place to whine and complain all the live long day about politics. Enough already-enough! Seriously why don't these people start a blog? You wouldn't walk into work or into a mall and start spewing your political rants? Or would you? I don't get it and am getting really sick of people's closed minded political agendas all the live long day when I go onto my FB page. Seriously! And on that note, this Occupy movement? Really? I am as left as they come, but honestly this is not well organized. I went to two of these rallies and more than half the people there didn't even know why they were there. You people want to shut down B0fA? Really and render some 300,000 people out of work? How is that making anything better? It isn't. I am all for freedom of speech, but get a clue before you hold a sign about closing down anyth...