I have to bitch and moan a little bit because lately somethings have been really bugging me on Facebook.
First of all it's a social network not a place to whine and complain all the live long day about politics. Enough already-enough! Seriously why don't these people start a blog? You wouldn't walk into work or into a mall and start spewing your political rants? Or would you? I don't get it and am getting really sick of people's closed minded political agendas all the live long day when I go onto my FB page. Seriously!
And on that note, this Occupy movement? Really? I am as left as they come, but honestly this is not well organized. I went to two of these rallies and more than half the people there didn't even know why they were there. You people want to shut down B0fA? Really and render some 300,000 people out of work? How is that making anything better? It isn't. I am all for freedom of speech, but get a clue before you hold a sign about closing down anything that is giving Americans jobs in this economy. It's just plain silly to me.
As well, we all know the Republicans hate the Democrats and the reverse-we get it. No need to rant every single day on your page or if you must-which clearly you do-do your research. GW-was NOT the reason Sept 11th happened. Obama is not the reason we are in debt. Quit blaming everyone and do your research.
I think FB has helped in the dumbing down of the world. People see something on someone's page and agree without doing any reading on the subject. I had a friend a couple years ago going on and on about socialism and how we would lose all our rights and be controlled-basically she was describing Communism and when I called her on it, she said, "well you know, Fascism, Communism and Socialism are all the same." SERIOUSLY? UGH....as well I have another friend always going on and on about he is a Capitalist and yet he wants everyone in America to have the same income range and have gov. help on stuff-hello? That is Socialism.
I am not saying I have all the answers here-but if I choose to rant-I at least, at the very least, go to this great new invention called GOOGLE.
I'm Just Sayin'
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