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Showing posts from October, 2012

Suicide: It's Not Your Fault

A couple months ago I lost a new friend to suicide and then there have been a few "industry" (the entertainment industry) losses, I thought I would write this today so people can have some hope of understanding. Suicide is the hardest thing for loved ones left behind to grasp because they always feel like they could have done something and the thing is, you couldn't have. The suicidal person is NOT thinking about you, or anyone else, they are thinking about themselves, period. I hate when people say, "suicide is selfish" like that's a bad thing. Of course it's selfish-this person is having the WORST day of their life so they don't care about anything but stopping the pain they are in. Ever get a headache or break a bone and think, "I wish I would just die the pain is so bad," ? Yes you have, we all have, but we don't mean it because we know it's temporary. The suicidal person's pain is temporary, but to them, it's constant ...

Rest in Peace Alan Kirschenbaum

Today in Hollywood the comedy stopped as well learned of the sad news that funny man Alan Kirschenbaum had taken his life. On the outside, and IMDB everything looked great, but obviously something was terribly wrong. I didn't know him. I always wanted to work with him or at the very least take one of his classes. I followed him on Twitter out of respect and he was funny.  People often seem fine on the outside when they are really tragically sad on the inside. Suicide is something that is so hard for people to understand, but you have to know that it's never your fault. Except I think in the case of my uncle Ricky, who when he was sixteen-long before I was born, took his own life but wrote my Dickens-esq grandfather telling him that it was his fault-in that case yes, it was maybe. But really at the end of the day it's the person who decides to do it. Ultimately no one can change someone's mind when they are in that dark place. It breaks my heart that three people ...

Batman, Superman or Spiderman?

Geek out Sunday.... Who do like for characters, not the comic or the films, the characters? Batman, Superman or Spiderman and why? Just curious-for me it's Spiderman for many reasons, the biggest reason is that he has to deal with real life shit and is a true geek. While I love Superman-he is perfect, so it's like, "eh" okay whatever you can fly really fast and you're super strong-we get it. Spiderman had more problems besides the daily crap in real life, he also had problems on the side-you know fighting evil. I have received a lot of comments on my YA book RYUAN like, "it's obvious you like Superman." Well the book is about an alien who was sent to earth-but not to save himself to save his own planet's people when he grows up. BUT, he isn't perfect and his abilities are more realistic and he has to deal with a ton of normal shit-like being bullied and people dying in his life constantly. I was inspired to write it because of David Copper...

California Drivers

This is what is bugging me. You know how channel 7 news has this, "what's bugging you?"thing? Well CA drivers bug me. First of all, it is a speed requirement. If you go under it, especially 20 mph under it, you are just as dangerous as those who are speeding-get your shit together, put your foot on the gas and drive. Second of all, why are all Prius drivers, Pri-ASSES? You don't own the road and you don't get to make your own rules. Thirdly, it's called a turn signal to SIGNAL the person behind you, NOT to flip on as you are already making the turn. Look, I took the California driver test-it's hard, so why are there so many bad drivers here? This city was built around driving, but seems like people can't here more than anywhere else. Maybe it's all the pot these people smoke like it's legal-still not legal folks-but I digress. Please Californians, learn how to drive, I am begging you.

Been Super Busy....What Else is New?

Hey everyone~ So sorry I haven't been blogging as much as usual. Things have been crazy since my father passed away in June. I was in and out of work and working 100 hours a week to survive for low pay or no pay-seriously...welcome to the industry. But I got a great illustration gig and have been writing a lot more. I also moved apartments and 'burbs of Lalaland so it's just been a question of time. I have started back up with the ghost story a day for October. Check them out at and am getting my novel, Four Seconds ready for publication so I can help raise money for the Bridge Rail Foundation. I also am going to be doing the NaNoWriMo for RYUAN book two this Nov-next month. Before any of that, I have to do my taxes! I am STILL waiting for 1099s and w2s...yup, it's October. I called the IRS and they said to just get it filed and I can always go back later. UGH. What a pain. That said, I am doing the best that I can and if anyone ...