as well learned of the sad news that funny man Alan Kirschenbaum had taken his life. On the outside, and IMDB everything looked great, but obviously something was terribly wrong. I didn't know him. I always wanted to work with him or at the very least take one of his classes. I followed him on Twitter out of respect and he was funny.
People often seem fine on the outside when they are really tragically sad on the inside. Suicide is something that is so hard for people to understand, but you have to know that it's never your fault. Except I think in the case of my uncle Ricky, who when he was sixteen-long before I was born, took his own life but wrote my Dickens-esq grandfather telling him that it was his fault-in that case yes, it was maybe. But really at the end of the day it's the person who decides to do it. Ultimately no one can change someone's mind when they are in that dark place.
It breaks my heart that three people in Hollywood all took their lives recently and I just wonder what was so bad that they didn't see that they had another way.
Rest in peace Mr. Kirschenbaum your spirit will stay with those of us forever and I hope that things are better on the other side.
If you are in that place, and I know it's bad, really bad, please get help.
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