AW isn't he cute? Beware, behind that adorable face is a monster! Okay not really, but the Westie is a big dog in a little dog's body and they are very smart-and demanding-and get into trouble. I had my Westie-Finnegan-the best dog in the world-I know everyone says that, but I speak the truth-for almost 14 years and I miss him so much it hurts. Lemme tell you this, while he was a GREAT little dog, BUT he had his own mind. He often did the following: 1.Kick me and let out loud sighs when I was on the phone (especially when he was little) 2.Changed the games at his pace and rules-like we would play toss the ball or toy and he would go along and then get bored and make up his own version-which I usually let him get away with after tricking him into thinking it was MY idea-no need to fuel that Westie confidence 3.Steal my pillows or place I was sitting and pretend to be asleep 4.Not come when called 5.Chewed everything until I told him, "not for Finn, or not for Westies" ...
STEPHANIE (Olivieri) Bourbon © All Rights Reserved 2021