I just returned from an evening at the WGA and will write about it in my writing blog, still have some work to do, but a friend on FB posted this quote, so I thought I would share it. It seems so relevant to life in the "industry".
And it continues.. what is wrong with people? "54 simple illustrations needed. Small files for web use only, either 300 x 300px square or 460 x 300px rectangle.Will provide font, sample finished product and detailed instruction sheet. Paying $0.50 per .JPG " yeah that's 50 cents!! I saw another one yesterday from New York area that is paying $4 per hour, isn't that illegal in this country, guess not.. I don't understand, a couple days ago I was approached to do someone's book. I gave him a fair price, meaning I quotes less than a day's wage per page and he replied back with insults saying he knows for a fact that illustrators get $5 per page, yes 5 bucks.. he is insane. What is worse is that he wanted fully rendered like hand painted work that would take more than a day. This happens all the time. I don't understand why the value of an artist isn't valued anymore. Look we can draw and you can't so pay us a fair wage!! I don'...
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