It's raining again in southern California and I LOVE it. So many people complain about the wet and cold, but not me. I welcome this weather with open arms. It gives me energy and I feel charged and ready for anything!
It isn't really cold, more like chilly with temps between 50-65, and a light breeze I find it perfect.
If it was like this every day I would never want to leave.
For those of you that are saying "it's so cold I have to have my heat on" all I can say is this: man up! Seriously, this is not cold and you do not need to have your heat on. I think people like you should spend the winter in Chicago, or Milwaukee, or anywhere in upstate New York, Vermont of New Hamphire...seriously? Heat? Give me a break! I'm just sayin'
Another great thing about chilly wet days, is hot chocolate, it is fun to go outside and go running or something, then come in and warm up with a nice mug of chocolate~
Enjoy the day because this is SoCal and the hot hot hot temps will be back soon enough.
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