Okay now how can anyone not be aware of this?
A picture's worth a thousand words -- especially for cyberstalkers. Social networking and smartphones go hand in hand for the web savvy. But few people realize they may be giving away more than they plan to when they post even the most innocuous photos from their Blackberry phones or Apple iPhones. Most smartphones encode a GPS stamp called a geotag into digital photos they capture, a tag that reveals the exact location a photo was taken by embedding longitude and latitude coordinates. Share that picture on Twitter or Facebook and anyone can instantly discern where you are, warned Ben Jackson, a security analyst and co-founder of the website ICanStalkU.com.
Thing is folks, like Facebook's places-which is a great idea if the network in question was just on a college campus, you are telling everyone exactly where you are!
It is dangerous to say the least. As well people.. putting your place of birth, you exact birthday, your address and phone number on FB is also quite risky.
Why even have your birthday on there? Do you really "happy birthday" from 1400 people you don't know? I used to have mine on my Myspace and FB, but to be fair, never the real one.
I read this about paragraph today and just wondered-wow! People really are that stupid.
Can I ask also, why use your phone for FB? What could possibly be that important that you must log into FB?
I see people do it all the time. Work disables the ability to log on, so you pull our your trusty phone and there you go. Really? Why you are at work you can't miss a few hours of FB?
I admit, I love Facebook, I am on all the time, but from home, not from my phone or when I am working in the studio.
Just sayin' this obsession everyone is getting is risky!
A picture's worth a thousand words -- especially for cyberstalkers. Social networking and smartphones go hand in hand for the web savvy. But few people realize they may be giving away more than they plan to when they post even the most innocuous photos from their Blackberry phones or Apple iPhones. Most smartphones encode a GPS stamp called a geotag into digital photos they capture, a tag that reveals the exact location a photo was taken by embedding longitude and latitude coordinates. Share that picture on Twitter or Facebook and anyone can instantly discern where you are, warned Ben Jackson, a security analyst and co-founder of the website ICanStalkU.com.
Thing is folks, like Facebook's places-which is a great idea if the network in question was just on a college campus, you are telling everyone exactly where you are!
It is dangerous to say the least. As well people.. putting your place of birth, you exact birthday, your address and phone number on FB is also quite risky.
Why even have your birthday on there? Do you really "happy birthday" from 1400 people you don't know? I used to have mine on my Myspace and FB, but to be fair, never the real one.
I read this about paragraph today and just wondered-wow! People really are that stupid.
Can I ask also, why use your phone for FB? What could possibly be that important that you must log into FB?
I see people do it all the time. Work disables the ability to log on, so you pull our your trusty phone and there you go. Really? Why you are at work you can't miss a few hours of FB?
I admit, I love Facebook, I am on all the time, but from home, not from my phone or when I am working in the studio.
Just sayin' this obsession everyone is getting is risky!
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