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Credit Card Shuffle!

No this isn't a new dance craze-wow-I bet most you don't even know what a shuffle is-I'm so old. Okay, not really, well yes really in a way, but I am still living like in college.

You know what I mean? If you are a writer, artist, actress, anything creative, you know. I am perpetually skint-and you know, it's a challenge and I enjoy finding creative ways to stretch my money.

One way is the credit card shuffle. You pay your minimuns, then you pay you other bills with your credit cards that you just paid, so really it's like you are only paying one bill. I know this isn't responsible, but whatever Suze Orman, I don't have money coming out my arse, and sometimes I have to do what I have to do and this buys me time.

Try it, if you are squeezed for cash and trust me, it will help.

Another thing you can do is use one card to pay another and or balance transfer them. You still have the same debt, but it feels better and somehow it helps your credit.

If you are reading this and feeling sorry for me, don't just give me a writing job.

Just sayin'


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