If you give a shopaholic a credit card, she's going to buy a new wallet to put it in.
When she gets the wallet, she'll probably want a new handbag.
Then she will look into the mirror to make sure she looks fabulous.
When she looks in the mirror she will notice a hair out of place, so she will go to the spa for a hair cut.
When she is finished, she'll want to buy some beauty products. She'll start charging.
She will get carried away & buy everything in the spa.
She may even end up getting a massage as well! When she is done, she'll probably want to relax.
She will get a pedicure and manicure. She will need to get new clothes to go with her new hair, nails and toes. She will buy a few new outfits, and then, she will want to walk around the mall.
She will end up in a gallery, where she sees lots of pictures. When she looks at the pictures, she'll get excited and she'll want to learn how to paint herself. She'll sign up for art classes, get paper and art supplies.
She will paint some pictures. When she is finished, she'll want to get an expensive frame.
Then she'll want to hang her pictures in her apartment. Which means she will need. . .nails.
She will hang up the pictures and stand back to look at them. Looking at them will remind her that she needs pillows, lamps and all sorts of stuff for her apartment.
So she'll head back out shopping. While she is out, she will get thirsty and then she will want an expensive coffee drink.
And chances are she has no cash so she will ask for a credit card.
*Image is not my artwork-artist unknown*
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