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Showing posts from 2011

Why Does FB Create Road Rage Behavior?

For the most part I love FB, I love how it has kept so many of us in touch, but just like any place in life-some people ruin it for others. This week I have been slammed for being super entitled and rich-HA!!! That was the biggest laugh I got-the truth is so completely the 100% opposite-then I was slammed for writing comedy because it means I don't care about the world and then I was just bitched out for being a writer and posting about it IE: "I'm working on the show today" etc. Type posts. Honestly folks-really? Why does FB create a sort of road rage? I don't understand this childish behavior. I really don't. People get on FB and rant all day long about politics, or whatever then they get upset at anyone who even remotely challenges their beliefs. It doesn't make sense to me. Why not start a blog? I'm just sayin'

Crazy Christians

Why is it that ONLY Christians continually post about Jesus on social networks? But Jewish people, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Scientologists, Mormons, & Catholics never do anything like this? How about every time you post some shit about Jesus I'll post a quote from L. Ron Hubbard? I mean honestly. Other followers of Christ don't act like this either. I don't understand you people. And what's with all the judgement? Okay I digress. Just sayin' folks, it's getting beyond old. You have missed the point of the bible completely. Don't be so pushy and obnoxious if you want people to join your crazy cult-er religion. Would you walk into work quoting or misrepresenting Jesus? No Just sayin' Enough already

My Review of Ghost Protocol

Sometimes I have to repeat from one of my other blogs-this is one of those times! My review of Tom Cruise and Brad Bird's new flick!

Yeah, Oh Nom Nom Nom

What is with the new craze of saying "Oh nom nom nom" when you are out eating food?? It is gross and disgusting and no one wants to hear you smacking your food, EVER! Not online nor in real life. I understand saying MMMMMMMMMMMM but not "nom nom nom". Just because it's trendy doesn't make it right. It's really gross and if you continue to use it on FB, I will promise to never go out in real life for fear that I will actually hear your "Nom nom nom." Yeah-why do educated people always use this wrong? Yeah is yeah, like okay, yes, etc. Not YAY!! And lastly why do people say Nom Nom Nom????? I know I already mentioned it, but YUCK!

Red Flag WARNING!!

Seems like I tend to gather the same type of people into my life and then I am surprised when it all goes to shit. I need to remind myself of the HUGE RED FLAG WARNINGS because they are always there. 1) "I love you" -when someone says this with in a month of knowing you-that's a huge red flag-get away and get away quick. 2) I am only telling you this-implying that you are special manipulating you into their weird shit that will eventually turn into backstabbing rage. 3) I cut people off all the time-this bragging right means they will do it to you 4) When they call you and bitch about everyone in their life and then you see them posting about how great things are with said person-they are two faced and they will be to you as well 5) Being high drama-everything is about them all the time 6) Accusing everyone around them of abuse 7) Getting hurt at every tiny thing you do 8) Expecting you to drop everything for them Basically I tend to be a magnet for these kind of high dra...


Things have really gone down hill at Apple since Steve Jobs passed away. Last week I tried to download an App for my iPad-a magazine app-it doesn't work, something is wrong with the app-no biggie, except Apple/iTunes charged me for it anyhow. I called them today to get a refund. THEY DON'T GIVE REFUNDS. I was told, by customer service, the only way to get a refund is to call my credit card and LIE and say it was stolen. She also said I could make a complaint to iTunes, but they won't do anything about it. iTunes doesn't "do" customer service. REALLY PATHETIC APPLE. Talk about a sad Mac.....


"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances ." Or did people skip government class in the 8th grade? This is the FIRST AMENDMENT, first as in number one. FREEDOM OF SPEECH-this is America, isn't it? I love my country, but some days are harder than others. I mean, really people. What the F is going on? This country has the FREEDOM OF SPEECH and that means people can speak freely without being pepper sprayed? I mean, really what is going on? Do we have to go back to an era where our heroes are bank robbers just because someone is sticking it to the banks?? Will there be a repeat of Kent State (see yesterday's blog)? How will this end?

Have We Learned Nothing?

May 4th, 1970 4 students were shot by police at a rally at Kent State University in Kent Ohio. The police fired 67 rounds over a period of 13 seconds, killing four students and wounding nine others. Jan 30, 1972 14 innocent people were shot and killed during a peaceful demonstration in Derry, Northern Ireland. Twenty-six unarmed civil rights protesters and bystanders were shot by soldiers of the British Army. Thirteen males, seven of whom were teenagers, died immediately or soon after, while the death of another man four and a half months later was attributed to the injuries he received on that day. Two protesters were also injured when they were run down by army vehicles. Five of those wounded were shot in the back. Nov 16, 2011 Police spray pepper spray into the eyes of an 84 year old in Seattle. Jennifer Fox lost her baby after being sprayed in the face and beaten by police. Oakland, Davis, NYC-when will it end? ...


I was watching Private Practice last night for the "Intervention" episode and it was truly amazing-well the first part. I didn't care as much for the 2nd episode as the first one-maybe just the direction. In any case, Charlotte, (Kadee Strickland) was telling Amelia, ( Caterina Scorsone) how she would do something terrible, like kill someone and never come back from that. I know this is different, but it finally hit me. All these years since my mother died (2004-Lung cancer) I am broken and I haven't made it back yet. It just isn't the same anymore. Sure I laugh, and play and have great friends etc, but it broke me. I am not sure why it's so hard-I mean, everyone loses their parents-or at least that's the way it's supposed to be. That said, I miss her every single day and some days it's beyond sad and other days I am okay. The way she described not making it back from something is exactly how I feel. I'll never be the same again, even if I am o...

UGH Some People Are Just Mean & Miserable

So the other day, this "friend" of mine was ranting, again, about something that has nothing to do with him and asking people to boycott Target, because he is outraged that some people are working late on Thanksgiving night to get ready for black Friday the next day. This guy isn't even American and doesn't work at Target and neither does anyone in his family-he just likes to bitch and complain. I stupidly-little did I know what was coming-replied to his post saying that it wasn't a big deal lots of people work on Thanksgiving and not just retail, but I agreed that the black Friday thing was getting out of hand-it is, but so what? Why does it bother anyone? Later that day several people had posted on his wall disagreeing with him, but I got it. He took it upon himself to delete me and then send me a nasty email message telling me that I was trying to sound smart AND that it's only because I have no family that I didn't mind working on Thanksgiving-which I ...

Sick of Politics and. . .

I am so over politics! I can honestly say that the more the democrats push their hatred for the Republicans-who let's face it have gone completely stark raving mad this past year-down my throats the more I want to move to Canada. I am so sick of all of it. Really done. I am sick of people saying how much they hate America-no one is forcing you to stay. America is pretty damn great even if we are having some problems. We are encouraged to follow our dreams-from birth-for the most part we are. We are taught to be confident and outgoing. We are raised believing that we can achieve anything. We have more opportunities than most places. Yes we have debt, yes we have issues-but it's still a great place to live and be a part of. I am so sick to death of people from other countries coming here and then bitching all the live long day about our president, about past presidents-seriously go home or be thankful. Just saying, it is getting on my last nerve people.

GOOGLE Before You Rant

I have to bitch and moan a little bit because lately somethings have been really bugging me on Facebook. First of all it's a social network not a place to whine and complain all the live long day about politics. Enough already-enough! Seriously why don't these people start a blog? You wouldn't walk into work or into a mall and start spewing your political rants? Or would you? I don't get it and am getting really sick of people's closed minded political agendas all the live long day when I go onto my FB page. Seriously! And on that note, this Occupy movement? Really? I am as left as they come, but honestly this is not well organized. I went to two of these rallies and more than half the people there didn't even know why they were there. You people want to shut down B0fA? Really and render some 300,000 people out of work? How is that making anything better? It isn't. I am all for freedom of speech, but get a clue before you hold a sign about closing down anyth...

Sad Mac

Steve Jobs passed away today, and the world mourns. I am usually not one to be sad for someone I never met, and don't know personally, but today I am writing this with a heavy heart as I believe Mr. Jobs to be one of the most amazing people on the planet. Like so many others he has changed my life in so many ways that it would simple take too long to list them here. My first computer was a Mac, that my mom-an avid Mac lover-bought me in 2000 for Christmas and my home coming from a year in Australia. That said, me owning a Mac doesn't even matter, what matters was his vision and his genius that changed the world. It really doesn't matter if you are a Mac person or a PC, Steve Jobs forever changed the world for all of us and future generations to come. He did it with class, dignity, grace and honor. Many people have no idea what that really means, and most of us will never change the world. Having a global impact is more than anyone could possibly imagine and yet this man did...

RIP Steve Jobs

David Letterman Top Ten/Amanda Knox

Late Show Top Ten Monday, October 3, 2011 Top Ten Thoughts That Went Through Amanda Knox's Mind When The Verdict Was Read 10. "Mama mia, that's a spicy verdict" 9. "If there's time, I'd still like to see the Coliseum" 8. "Can I keep my Versace prison jumpsuit?" 7. "Four years in an Italian prison, this is the last time I book through Priceline" 6. "Who's Justin Bieber?" 5. "I want to go hiking in Iran" 4. "I can't believe I've gone four years without a Pop Tart" 3. "Does time-served in Italian jail count towards my degree?" 2. "I wonder how Conan ...

Amanda Knox, My Thoughts

When I was working late in 2007 and heard the news about a British student murdered in Italy, I couldn't watch it, because it was so graphic and horrifying that it scared me too much, but then in the daylight hours I became intrigued. My interest faded quickly as my own life was in a constant state of chaos with the WGA strike and work uncertain. I soon forgot all about Amanda Knox and Meredith Kercher. For the past four years I have heard stories about it and until last week, I was 100% convinced that Amanda had some part in the killing of her roommate. My conclusions were based on this: The way she reacted after, the fact that she lied so many times, the way she reacted, and the media, and the way she dad always said, believe NONE of what you hear and HALF of what you see. I believed what was said about her and I know better so for that I am ashamed. First off all, who can say how someone is going to react when they find their roommate dead? Especially after a night ...

Well Excuse Me!

I took a day job at Trader Joe's-which I love-because it is fun and I have met some great people. (I am leaving in just over a week for a dream job and return to SoCal from my summer in Seattle-but that's another story) So I am there today and it's packed-the Huskies are playing, it's the first cold(ish) day in 78 days, so people are shopping. A lady in my line had more groceries than I have seen anyone buy, ever. It was insane. I calmly, yet quickly rang them up and bagged them. The woman behind her was getting really pissy in line and I could hear her making noises under her breath. After maybe 6 or 7 minutes it was her turn. I could tell she was already upset so I apologized, "Sorry that took so long, she had a lot of stuff" which was met with, "Fine, but I am in a hurry!". "Well excuuuuuuuuuse me!" Ala Steve Martin back in the '70's was what I was thinking, but I smiled and said nothing. I also wanted to say, "well if you w...

Ryan Murphy is My New Hero!

RYAN MURPHY IS MY NEW HERO! OMG! So if you haven't watched the Glee Project this season I will just say that you missed out on real life fairy tales for some amazing kids. Ryan Murphy is one of the creators of Glee-the amazing show on Fox about geeky, now Gleeky, kids in high school standing up for themselves and being who they really are in the face of adversity and slushies! If you don't watch it, then you are missing out. Anyone who knows me knows that it takes a lot to make me cry, I'm just not that girl, but Glee constantly brings me to tears-CONSTANTLY. The very first episode when those kids sang Don't Stop Believing I was bawling like a baby. I never had the courage to be myself and being popular was everything to me. I was too embarrassed to be who I wanted to be and I did everything not to be a geek, including dropping out of band and drama-my two favorite things in the world. I was NEVER strong enough to stand up for myself and being...

Buy A Leaf-Kill A Polar Bear

While I have always said that electric cars are beyond moronic, especially when we don't even have enough power to keep the electricity going during a hot day. If the fact that the car should only be driven at 38 mph which means, no freeway, and it costs a lot more than even the Prius...never mind a practical car like a Focus.....the car needs to be recharged every 50 miles or so. AND if turning off one light a day will save polar bears, how about plugging in a car??? WTF? Are you kidding me? This is ridiculous!! Honestly, SOLAR powered cars would be smart, anything else doesn't solve the problem, it just switches it. Ironic is the commercial with the polar bear hugging the guy driving it, when they will actually kill more polar bears. It just goes to show that if something is marketed right, it will sell, even if it isn't helping anything. UGH.. I totally agree with what this guys said, his blog:

Interview With Me! Animation Insider Stephanie Olivieri Assistant animator/clean up artist-traditional, 2D, paper and pencil and storyboards (boarding, clean-up & revisions) What is your name and your current occupation? What are some of the crazier jobs you had before getting into animation? I worked as a waitress and an actress before animation, so nothing too crazy. What are some of your favorite projects you’re proud to have been a part of? Hard to say, honestly I love everything I have worked on for different reasons. Feature films are fun because of how long you are with the characters and crew, commercials and shorts are fun because of the crazy hours and cartoony characters. How did you become interested in animation? I went to an audition for a Disney film and was doodling on...

Quit Your Bragging-it's Annoying

Do you know someone in Hollywood that knows someone who knows someone who's related to someone who went to school with a guy who sat next to a guy who knows...such and such A lister? Seriously as if this isn't annoying enough~what about those people-you know who you are-that constantly brag about celebrities that they either have seen or "spent time with"? UGH...For those of us that live in Los Angeles and work in the film industry this happens all the time. It's part of the business. AND if you are bragging about knowing someone that no one has ever heard of, better to keep it to yourself. I mean what other industry does this? Do you ever hear of Josephine Office Girl in the midwest bragging about how she spent time with her CEO or client in the lift? Come off it. One guy I know is such a poser that he will go to a trendy and well known celebrity hotspot and then send out emails claiming he had dinner "with", Al Pacino, Bieber, and Steven Spieldberg all...

Tis St. Patrick's Day After All

More Fun Ways To Keep Your Tree Up!

I love having a tree up!! So we still wanted the tree up and couldn't think of what to do for Feb. Valentine's Day is a kinda yucky-even for the most romantic types and president's day? Really? A tree full of presidents? Then came Feb 2nd and it came to me! GROUNDHOG DAY!! This is an official Phil right from PA. He looks cute, doesn't he? Early spring so we made sure there was no shadow! The roommate turned 30 in Jan, so that was an easy one! A birthday tree!~ I actually really love this idea as well. The tree looked awesome and festive! Oh yeah and just Christmas-sorry didn't get a good photo of this but everyone knows what a Christmas tree looks like. This year we went simple with just white and silver balls and white lights. The tree had class and elegance! St Patrick's Day is soon, and I will be posting photos!!

Oscar Nominations are Here!!!

Yay! It's Oscar season again! So thrilled that 'True Grit' got 10 nominations including best picture-which in my opinion it deserves. Not sure what was wrong wit the HFPA that they ignored it completely, but am so happy today that it is getting the recognition it deserves. Yes the Coen Brothers seem to always have films up, but they are brilliant. I am still confused about Black Swan-but to each his own, I just wasn't a fan. I know all over Twitter today people are outraged by Chris Nolan getting snubbed, but I don't know. I think Inception was great, but not best picture great. That's just me. The Social Network was a great film, even if not entirely true to Zuck's real life to multi-billionaire status-it is a solid film. My prediction is that Social Network and True Grit will dominate-but it is anyone's game at this point! Here is the complete list. Oscar Nominations 2011 Best Picture 'Black Swan' 'The Fighter' 'Inception' '...

Sports Zeros, Not Heroes!

Ben Roethlisberger is a douchebag quaterback for the Steelers-like so many sports 'heroes' has been accused of sexual misconduct~I hate him, but have liked the Steelers as a franchise since I was a kid-now I don't know what to do? Cheer on the Packers? No way. Thing is I can't ever cheer on the Eagles because of Michael Vick, so I guess cheering on the Steelers is equally as bad. I'll be honest that until my brother-in-law made a joke on FB tonight about Cutler being hated more than 'Big Ben' & Vick, I really didn't know how bad he was. I knew he had once charge against him, but not several? WTF? I don't like many other teams, including the Lakers, (because of Kobe) because they seem to reward their players for rape and assault. So now I guess I will do something else on Super Bowl Sunday, because I can't cheer on a rapist or a Packer.

Why Is There A Spider On My Head?

Is not just the title of my new & fabulous 'how not to' book about breaking and staying in the entertainment industry it is a reality that just happened to me. I am sitting at my desk working on a query to a new book agent for my new YA book ~ when I feel my bangs falling into my eyes. I brush them back. It happens again. I brush them back. It happens again. Until finally I feel the touch of a leg on my face and when I reach back there is hairy spider sitting on the side of my head just hanging out messing with my bangs! I quickly jump off my seat, slamming into the desk, knocking over my water sending the mobile phone flying and waking up the dog as shrieks of fear escape my mouth and the spider, as if to say, "F you" lands gently onto the key board part of the desk and then casually hops onto the floor before I put him out of his misery quickly. Oh My God!! My heart is racing!

A Picture's Worth a Thousand Words

Okay now how can anyone not be aware of this? A picture's worth a thousand words -- especially for cyberstalkers. Social networking and smartphones go hand in hand for the web savvy. But few people realize they may be giving away more than they plan to when they post even the most innocuous photos from their Blackberry phones or Apple iPhones. Most smartphones encode a GPS stamp called a geotag into digital photos they capture, a tag that reveals the exact location a photo was taken by embedding longitude and latitude coordinates. Share that picture on Twitter or Facebook and anyone can instantly discern where you are, warned Ben Jackson, a security analyst and co-founder of the website Thing is folks, like Facebook's places-which is a great idea if the network in question was just on a college campus, you are telling everyone exactly where you are! It is dangerous to say the least. As well people.. putting your place of birth, you exact birthday, your address a...

Evian Roller Babies ~ WHY???

Can someone explain this to me like I am a two year old-WHY? WHY? I don't understand why people make these commercials-disturbing at best! Honestly I can't stand these types of commercials that use babies doing adult things. It is so wrong and completely NOT funny, and yet they keep getting made. Something is seriously wrong with the world. I'm just sayin'

What We Say Means Something ~ Sarah Palin

Okay, so recently I have noticed that a lot more people than 'follow' me read my blog(s), and a lot more people than comment read what I say on Facebook and Twitter. Which can be a great thing or a bad thing. For example last year I went on a rant defending staying with my big bank(s) because of the country club exclusiveness of credit unions-I got actual death threats from left winged nut jobs who actually are living life like fat rich righties and don't ever have to worry about money-but that is a horse of another color and another blog. The point is, people read what I say. Now the reason I bring this up is this. I am no one really. I am an animation artist and writer who lives a small but meaningful life. I am not in the public eye and I am not someone that thousands or hundreds of people follow. Many people in the world don't know who I am, and yet I am smart enough to be aware of the fact that what I say gets read and it makes an impression. Do you know what I am ...

"But I Don't Even Have My Phone With Me Officer."

This morning I got up and made my coffee-to my surprise I had no more creamer so I decided to walk over to Vons and get some. I grabbed my wallet and keys and was out the door in a flash. I left my mobile phone because this would 'only take a minute'. Little did I know. . . When I arrived at Vons the electricity was out-"arrgh!" My coffee was already made and sitting on the Keurig waiting for me. I thought seriously about having it black, but I can't stand black coffee-addict or not. At this point, as I walked back to my apartment, I thought about running up the 3 flights of stairs to grab my phone before driving to Pavillions, but then convinced myself in about 2 seconds, that I can live without my phone. Even if there was an emergency of some sort, it was still close enough to make it home. I get in my car, turn on the music and start singing along as I pull out on my way to secure creamer so I can have my coffee. I am about 1/2 block from my apartment and make ...

Today in Tucson TV Drama Became Reality

Last year Grey's Anatomy ended with a bang, literally with the show surrounding a man who's desperate plea for answers in the loss of a loved one went unanswered and he snapped. He walked into the hospital planning on killing Dr. Shepard and then himself. Unfortunately, he killed several others and caused fear to run deep into the hearts of the survivors. This Thursday, a similar storyline ran. This was about a man who went into a campus and starting shooting. Many went into surgery and the doctors of Seattle Grace were forced to relive the worst day of their lives. One of the smaller storylines woven in was the mother of the shooter. The shooter was in surgery for hours and hours. Some of the doctors and nurses refused to help him while Christina Yang came back to herself and worked with another surgeon to save him. His mother was in the waiting room and no one would tell her how he was doing until finally she had a small berakdown and talked about how she had no idea he was l...

"It's Facebook's Fault!"

You know what I just don't understand people? Why you are on Facebook and then bitch about it all the time? No one is forcing you to be on it but rather you choose to be there. You put all your personal information up there; where you went to school, where you grew up, how much you ate, what you ate, how big your shit was, who you are dating, photo after photo after photo after photo...(Please stop) and photos of your kids (Why? These are your children? Would you take out an add in the Chicago Trib/New York or LA Times with photos of your child? No of course not!! And they don't even get the readership FB gets) etc...and then you say that Zuckerberg is stealing your info? Newsflash Einstein, you are giving it to him and the rest of the world! Yet you blame him and FB. One of my FB friends recently posted about FB ruining some relationship either she had or one of her friends had-I can't be sure which because the rant was so stupid, I couldn't be arsed to read all of it....

Dear Starbucks-Epic Fail New Year's Day

I couldn't come up with what happened to me today at my local Starbucks, maybe Larry David could, because this would really only happen to George or Elaine. I went into Starbucks-with my Christmas gift card and a dollar for a tip. I ordered my New Year's Day treat, Caramel Macchiato and gave the tip to the cashier, who was more than thankful-seems most people with gift cards and credit cards forget to tip. I am waiting there for the girl to make the drink, waiting waiting waiting-the place was empty. She was moving really slow-but that's okay, I'm a great mood and have no problems waiting. Finally another girl comes in and goes behind the counter and the two of them start gossiping about other employees and what they did the night before. After about five or ten minutes of this the girl pulls my drink-that was already made and just sitting there on the espresso machine waiting like the ugly girl at the prom-and hands it to me. She doesn't look at me or make eye cont...